Donnerstag, 23. April 2015

Data Visualization Lab

Experiment #1: single data set - internet users in China

In my first dataset I used the amount of internet users in the PRC from 2014-2000. I used the XlsReader library to loop through an xls document and then printing out each bar using the beginShape(QUADS) funciton to draw the bars. 

This is the raw data that I have obtained from:

And this is the graph that resulted from reading out the data

Experiment #2: two data sets - NYC population and water consumption 1979/80 - 2009/10

For my second data I compared the average water consumption/day with the NYC population. Again, I used the XlsReader library to read the info. However, since I had to read two different data sets, I had to alter the code from the first experiment. For each dataset I first read all values into an array and then printed both lines in the draw() setup. 
The data was taken from:; and

 Here is the raw data:
NYC population from 1980-2010

Average water consumption in million gallons/day from 1979-2009

This is the data visualized:

Experiment #3: Twitter real time
For my third experiment I used the twitter API and wanted to use a 3D animation that showed the frequency of certain hashtags without showing absolute values. I stumbled across the GWOptics library for 3D animations in Processing which I can highly recommend. I combined a code of theirs with a Twitter API code (using Twitter4j) that I have used earlier for my midterm. 

I used three different hashtags which I expected to have different post-frequencies (low, medium, and high) to produce three different animations. Here we go:

low frequency - #MakeTheGroundswell


medium frequency - #PhysicalComputing

high frequency - #Design

The more posts there are, the higher the amount of waves as can be seen in the videos. This form of visual represenation seems to be the most interesting even though the least informative/accurate.